Thursday, September 6, 2012

10 year expert

According to Gladwell, 10,000 hours, among other things, is what it takes to become a master in something. So the question before me is: what would I become a master of if I had the choice? I think people's first reaction is to say something selfish. Not that they are selfish, but it's human nature to look after oneself first. I could say something like the stock market so I could become rich or medicine so I would never be sick a day in my life. But the people Gladwell mention all had something in common: they used their expertise to give back. Bill Joy revolutionized computers and Bill Gates personalized them. Without them we would probably still be years behind. Even The Beatles gave us joy and inspiration with their music. So if I were to become an expert in something, I would want it to be in something that could help people. And honestly, the first thing that comes to mind is love. And I'm not saying love because I want to give women endless pleasure. I'm talking about true love. I think it goes without saying that we all want to find that special person we could spend the rest of our lives with, yet so few of us actually find them. Divorce rates are higher than ever in this country. And seldom do people think about the effect that has on their children. But there are people who do find that special someone. So what is it that they do differently that the rest of us haven't figured out? Marriages that last 50 years seem to be going out of fashion like black and white television. Some of the younger generation have never even heard of black and white t.v. So that is that bound to happen with love too? There has to be something that everyone is missing. It can't be just pure luck. Are our priorities not in place? Or do people just quit too easily? I feel this is a huge gap in society. If people were able to face their emotions and find love, the world would be a much better place. Everyone is happier when they feel love. So why isn't it expressed more? If this was something I could master, I would share it with the entire world. I think it would change everyone's outlook on life and hopefully make it a better place.

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